Theme ======== Overview --------- Install a theme :: catsup install git_repo Install a theme in global :: catsup install git_repo -g Update a installed theme :: catsup install theme_name List all themes installed :: catsup themes Structure ---------- Catsup uses Jinja2 as a Template Engine.You need to learn it if you want to design your own theme. You can learn how to design your theme by demo: + A catsup theme should look like :: ├── <-------- how to install/customize your theme.Used in GitHub. ├── static <-------- static files │   ├── css │   │   ├── pygments_style.css <-------- catsup uses Pygments to highlight code │   │   └── style.css ├── templates <-------- template files │   ├── article.html │   ├── page.html ├── <--------- filters defined by theme └── <--------- meta file Only ``article.html`` and ``page.html`` are required. Meta File ----------- A demo meta file :: name = 'sealscript' author = 'Lyric' homepage = '' pages = [ '404.html' ] vars = { "github": "whtsky", } A theme meta consists of : + name + author + homepage + pages + vars What's Pages for? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, Catsup will render ``article.html`` for post, ``page.html`` for pagination, ``tag.html`` for tag page and ``archive.html`` for archive page. If you want to render more template(like ``404.html``), please add template's name to ``pages``. What's Vars for? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your theme may need some var that user defined in config file. But **they may miss some var**, so you need to give a default value in theme's meta file. Variables ---------- Global Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + site: ``site`` in user's config file. + author: ``author`` in user's config file. + config: ``config`` in user's config file. + comment: ``commment`` in user's config file. + theme: ``theme.vars` in user's config file. If you want more: + g.posts: posts sorted with date. + g.tags: tags sorted with posts' count + g.archives: archives sorted with year Templatable Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Templatable variables are only accessed in specify templates. + pagination: available in ``page.html`` + post: available in ``article.html`` + prev, next: available in ``article.html``, ``tag.html`` and ``archive.html`` Filters and Functions ---------------------- Catsup has a build-in function: ``static_url`` :: Every function in ```` will be a filter.Catsup also has some build-in filter: + xmldatetime + capitalize Template Marco --------------- Catsup has some powerful marco to make your job easier + render_comment(post): render post's comment part. + meta(post): render post's meta tag.Should be used id ````. + analytics(): render google analytics code. Use them like :: {{ post.title }} {% from 'utils.html' import meta, analytics %} {{ meta(post) }} {{ analytics }}

{{ post.title }}

{{ post.content }} {% from 'utils.html' import render_comment %} {{ render_comment }}
This is a simple ``article.html`` template using catsup's template marco.Isn't that simple?